
How to integrate Angular with CRM

WHY CRM? Today’s consumers are literally bombarded with all sorts of messages and offers that spring out from every corner. Think about it for a minute, how many times per day do we receive promotional emails from a page you signed up for? And more importantly, how often do you actually read it!! These days everyone is on social media, on blogs and anyone can comment, read or share. We cannot go about a one size fits all approach, as these days customers have become more discerning and tech savvy. They are more aware of what they want and the array of options available to them. They demand personalized and diverse means of engaging with products and services. Most marketers around the world believe that personalization of the web experience is most critical, 74% of respondents claim to get frustrated with websites when content, offers, ads and promotions appear to have nothing to do with their interests and this study results, paint a picture of a more eager consum

How do we refer CRM client object from angular application

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How do we call CRM service from angular application

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How do we move Angular application to CRM

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Abstracting CRM Providers Using Interfaces

I have created a custom module which can switch to CRM as needed. At present I am using CRM as my Source of Record for custom module. I would like to make sure that custom module, could able to connect to any source of records example sales force, share point portal or any custom application.  That thought lead me to apply factory pattern for CRM provider Consider the following sample classes, which allows you to obtain a specific connection object based on the value of a custom enumeration or configuration. Data Provider class namespace DataLayer {    public abstract class DataProvider    {        // singleton reference to the instantiated object        static DataProvider _provider;        // constructor        static DataProvider()        {                       CreateProvider();        }        // dynamically create provider        static void CreateProvider()        {            _provider = (DataLayer. Data

url with token parameter

Hi Nice day for you, Today I thought before starting my work Let me pass some information to google search content. I got lot of help from Google search to do my work easier. Sometime I think myself as selfish not contributing back to the search content. So some bit of information which might help somebody else. Okay.. Yesterday my boss asked me, we need to send a token while we send mails to customers either using Direct CRM features or third party using extracted list from CRM. That token should help customer to do some action in CRM without much authentication issues. Like... they can change their phone number by clicking a link. They were able to update their marketing mail preferences with the help of URL and so on... Indeed there are lot of concerns while we go to security team with the solution. They are asking about, Validity of token, Guest authentication, Defense against reply attacks, Defense against identifier misuse, Defense against Man in middle at